The Story So Far: 10footinvestor and Infinite Nuance

10footinvestor and Infinite Nuance have changed. 10footinvestor began life in February 2017 as a personal investing blog where ideas & stocks were explored and research compiled. In the first two years, 10footinvestor published once a week on average about stocks, investment ideas, and portfolio reviews. Most of those posts were of poor quality, but later posts identified issues with companies like Trimantium Growthops, Henry Morgan & John Bridgeman, and Updater, all of which subsequently delisted.

As research continued, the blog looked at UK capital requirements, South American online travel agents, and provided feedback on brand presentation to Oliver’s (which was 10foot’s largest ever losing position). There was even a remaster of Rudyard Kipling’s If-, adapted for modern financial audiences.

That old blog covered a lot of territory, but it fell into disrepair as work commitments grew.

Infinite Nuance

Infinite Nuance was a separate blog created for the purpose of refining thoughts about management and the practise of managing. Those thoughts are partly encapsulated in this post here. Over time it became tricky to manage two sites and I wasn’t willing to even think about attempting to grow two audiences in parallel. 

It seemed better to put the sites together, and let readers filter for themselves. Time and experience have broadened the site’s scope, practice turned casual scrawl into something approaching useful thoughts, and working in technology brought a sense of aesthetics. A shortage of maintenance and SSL certificates caused the blog to be penalised by browsers & Google, and a new interest in business and management took the content outside the traditional domain of investment analysis.

All of these things, put together, necessitated a big refresh.

You can read more about the rebranding here.

10footinvestor now re-emerges as Infinite Nuance. Infinite Nuance is a site about investing, business, and management.

I hope you find that it is worth your while.