Month: October 2018

An update on Just Group plc

I recently posted to Twitter that I have been torched on my Just Group plc (LON: JUST) position so far: I recently pitched Just Group to a sophisticated investor with experience in complex financials and had the idea shot down pretty quickly (“too hard”). While that should serve as a warning to others considering investing here, …

Quarterly Review: Q1 (September) FY 2019

This quarter turned out better than I thought. I tweeted a month ago that it had been a bit rough- down 12% QoQ and down 5% since inception. However, when I was updating my spreadsheet to include my latest sales of Probiotec (after quarter end – more on that below) I noticed that a previous …

The Domino’s Pizza Mystery

I tried to order pizza from Domino’s Pizza (ASX: DMP) on the weekend – strictly for due diligence purposes, you understand. Eight Meats pizza, gluten free base, barbecue sauce. Price: $18.95. Plus $2.10 Sunday surcharge and a further $2.95 for the gluten free base. Add a second pizza – the Godfather, from the same range …

The Titomic question

There is a Peter Lynch anecdote from the 80s (?) that goes something like “it’s better to buy shares in companies that benefit from the widget, instead of shares in the widget developer.” He gives the example of barcode scanning for supermarkets – while the barcode scanners themselves were a total revolution, the biggest beneficiaries …