Welcome to my home on the internet. I’m Sean and this is a portfolio of my projects.
About me
Leadership & Management
If strategy, alignment, and management are a challenge for your organisation, or you need help diligencing the management & operations of an investment/acquisition, I can assist.
Learn More
From the horse’s mouth – colleagues and collaborators.
In eight years in the industry, I’ve never seen anyone put as much effort into hiring and interviewing candidates as Sean. It’s a great experience for candidates to come in and find the interviewer has read their blog or listened to their podcast and is genuinely interested in them as a person.

Emer McCann
Head of Talent & People Operations,
Simply Wall St
Sean is a fearless and compelling writer. His combination of understanding both financial markets and human psychology is rare and valuable.

Matt Joass
Chief Investment Officer,
Maven Funds Management
Sean’s strength is his focus on the few things that matter. When views diverge, he’s able to identify the key variables that drive an investment, and look for leading indicators that are predictive of a desirable outcome.

Tom Aouad
Associate, Marbruck Ventures
I worked with Sean for over a year & can vouch for his authenticity, attention to detail, and work ethic. He is genuine in his conversations, always digs deep to find out what others usually miss, and has very high standards for published work. He does whatever needs to be done to get a project completed. I was lucky to have worked with him because he’s taught me a lot in these areas that I hope to replicate.

Michael Paige
Analyst, Simply Wall St
After seeing the lengths Sean went to in order help investors in the Henry Morgan saga, I can attest that his moral compass is firmly fixed in the right direction. One of Australia’s white knights.

Sulieman Ravell
Executive Director,
Benjamin Hornigold
Having followed the 10footinvestor, I reached out to Sean for help with my new app. His response has been generous, insightful and productive. He has the rare gift of providing a differentiated opinion without being opinionated. A+

Matt Cook
Founder @ myblocks.app
Latest Posts
As they happen.
Case Study: Simply Wall St Dashboard Feed
This is a short overview of the “Dashboard Feed” project I led in my role[…]
Case Study: iApply Loan Application Flow
This is an overview of the iApply loan application flow project I ran in my role[…]
The End of Henry Morgan
Five years ago, I published a series of reports on a group of “pirate” companies after identifying concerns in public filings. For the first time, here is the full story.
Get in touch
Reach out any time – I read every single message. Shoot an email to sean@infinitenuance.com, or use this fancy contact form.